Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Women's salaries still less than Men's salaries

This is a blog for the ladies out there. A study found that women make only 69% of what men do 10 years after graduation. That is ridiculous. In our graduate classes we hear about this all the time. I would say that every graduate class I have had, we have talked about the pay gap between men and women. It was really hard for me to comprehend at first that someone would get less money just based on their gender, especially since like 70% of PR students are female. For example, in my public relations campaigns course there are only 5 guys I believe. That class has at least 40-50 people in it. I think I am one of only three guys in our graduate PR program. Nevertheless, you might be asking what this has to do with public relations? Well if you read the last part of that article it says, "women expect less and negotiate less pay for themselves than do men." What I get from this is that women need to do PR for themselves when they get into salary negotiations. They need to be strong and unyielding and show that they deserve just the same as everyone else; male or female. Maybe that will start to show an evening out of the salary gap. I sure hope so. Really I do. I think everyone deserves what is rightfully theirs. Maybe I should leave this argument to women? I suppose it is just something that I believe in. Oh well. Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I myself am a young female professional, working in a business that doesn't care who or what you are... as long as you perform your job better than the competition. In my short career I have had a few different bosses... both male and female. I must say that I didn't "fight" for a salary amount for my first job simply because I myself was unaware of my value to the company. For my next job I was prepped for what salary to ask for (I was given that salary too!) In my experience, in order to get a fair salary you have to have a good starting point... because if you start low it's hard to get a raise. In order to keep an even playing field... you must have a good starting point... know your worth and don't back down!